Relations Canary African: Economy, culture, history, ethnography, sports, tourism...

On July 20, 1968: The Committee of Liberation of the O.U.A. (Committee of the eleven) recognizes officially Canaries the right to the Self-determination and Independence.
"... The islands Canaries are an integral part of Africa. They do not constitute an integral part of Spain. In consequence, we must declare that the Canary Isles it(he,she) has the right to the self-determination and to the Independence, as any other African territory still submitted to colonial domination " 

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Argelia new0.gif (2109 bytes)  Sahara new0.gif (2109 bytes)    Marruecos

  btamazgha.gif (6052 bytes) Tamazgha new0.gif (2109 bytes)  Federación Panafricanista

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Declaración solemne de la OUA sobre la africanidad de las Islas Canarias   (+) estrellavert.gif (1169 bytes)Resolución 1514 de la ONUestrellavert.gif (1169 bytes) Autodeterminación e independencia

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Situación en África


Países ACP (+)

La cuestión del Sáhara

Conflictos olvidados


Emergencia África 

Informe la ONU sobre el Sáhara

Amnistía Internacional 2003

La Macaronesia

Socialistas por el Sáhara

Relaciones UE-África subsahara

Informe Corell 2002

África: la otra globalización


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